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#SMMW13 Key Influencers Share Their Top Social Marketing Tips

#SMMW13 Key Influencers Share Their Top Social Marketing Tips

More than 1,100 marketing professionals crowded the conference rooms at Social Media Marketing World which kicked off on Monday, April 8, 2013. Attendees traveled from around the globe (I had the privilege of helping checkin and met people from Pakistan, Turkey, Australia, Spain and pretty much all the states) to come to San Diego to hear what the top marketing and social media strategists had to share around topics including (but definitely not limited to):

  • How to optimize your social channels for lead generation
  • How to create customers for life by informing more and promoting less
  • Content marketing secrets to propel you beyond the competition
  • Turning social advertising into leads and sales
  • How to build a business blog that grows your brand and closes the sale
  • How to fascinate with your social media messages

The tips, perspectives and conversations disected at #smmw13 have been invaluable. The speakers (key influencers) really know their stuff. These are the guys that we as marketers look up to. These are the guys that we follow, learn and share from. The advice, anecdotes and philosophies shared can help us all -- brands and marketers alike -- to boost brand awareness, create customers for life, establish balance and drive business. And, it doesn't hurt to follow these people if you aren't will benefit from their learnings daily. So, here are some takeaways from the guys I respect:

  • Find your one true thing, something you do really well. It's your passion. Then find the community that shares that same passion. - John Jantsch, Founder of Duct Tape Marketing @ducttape
  • Slideshare is a gem for B2B brands. Take your content and customize it to create a dynamic piece for Slideshare. Include a CTA within your Slideshare presentation/deck. The views/shares and traffic driven via Slideshare presentations can change your business. - Joe Pulizzi, co-author of Managing Content Marketing and Get Content, Get Customers @juntajoe
  • People's attention span is the same as a goldfish...about 9 seconds. We need to create content that relaxes people, gets them in "the zone" and has the power to fascinate. If you fascinate, they won't swim away. - Sally Hogshead, author of Fascinate @SallyHogshead
  • What is your SPG? Your Signature Promotional Giveaway? It could be an ebook, coupon, video training, etc. Create one including a CTA. Use Facebook offers to promote this. - Amy Porterfield, author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies @amyporterfield
  • To drive sales via your business blog, address the issues people are searching for. Create a "Best Of" article for your business. If people are talking about the problems in your industry/with your product, address these in a post. In Google We Trust so create content that people are looking for. - Marcus Sheridan, President and Founder of The Sales Lion @TheSalesLion
  • What stands out gets remembered, what blends in gets ignored. Stand out and be different. Have fun even if you think your business/product or service is boring. - Derek Halpern, Creator of Social Triggers and host of Social Triggers Insider podcast @derekhalpern