Barona Resort & Casino

How a customized email strategy hit the jackpot

Background & Challenge

Barona Resort & Casino is a leading Indian gaming and entertainment destination located in San Diego. With hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, they were in urgent need of a more robust e-marketing solution to help them build stronger relationships with their current customers and quickly target new visitors in unique ways. So what was their play? Barona doubled down on Rhythm.


Email Marketing Strategy, Email List Segmentation & Management, Email Service Provider Account Setup, Email Analysis & Reporting




After a thorough discovery process, we determined that a customized email marketing platform would deliver the best results. 

Rhythm replaced Barona's antiquated and cumbersome email platform with ExactTarget (now Salesforce Marketing Cloud) which yielded immediate efficiencies in list management, email creation, deployment and reporting. In addition, we set up and managed SMS text messaging campaigns that not only supported but strengthened Barona's email strategy.

We also established automated programs that ran on a daily basis, permitting Barona's marketing messages to be targeted to select individuals with no effort from in-house marketing staff, freeing them up for other initiatives. Finally, Rhythm conducted strategic training workshops with Barona's in-house marketing team to ensure a smooth transition to their new email marketing platform.

So, Did Barona's Gamble Pay Off?

While there'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done, Barona definitely saw an uptick in engagement and offer redemptions tied to their email activities. 


higher email open rates


improvement in click-thru rates


increase in offer redemptions